Anna Abatayo

Anna Abatayo

Assistant Professor

Wageningen University and Research


I am an Assistant Professor with the Environmental Economics and Natural Resources Group, Section Economics, Wageningen University and Research. My research aims to inform and evaluate environmental policies, both formal and informal arrangements, in two ways: (1) by testing policies in a controlled way prior to implementation (main methodology: economic experiments) and (2) by evaluating the effects of existing policies (main methodology: impact evaluation). Currently, I am working on issues related to common pool resource management (i.e., fisheries and agroforestry), biodiversity conservation (i.e., conservation of migratory species and protected areas), and climate change (i.e., climate engineering and climate adaptation). More details regarding the different projects I have been and currently part of can be found below.

Download my CV.

View my profile at ENR Group.

View my Research @ WUR.

  • Environmental Economics
  • Natural Resource Economics
  • Experimental Economics
  • Behavioral Economics
  • PhD in Economics, 2015

    University of Hawai'i at Mānoa

  • MA in Economics, 2009

    University of the Philippines - Diliman

  • BSc in Management Engineering, 2005

    Ateneo de Manila University

Recent Publications

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(2024). Predicting the replicability of social and behavioural science claims in a crisis: The COVID-19 Preprint Replication Project. Nature Human Behaviour, forthcoming.


(2024). Public Goods and Bads with Vulnerable Individuals: How Information and Social Nudges Change Behavior. Canadian Journal of Economics, 57(2): 556-587.

PDF Cite Code Dataset Project

(2024). Comparing access to US marine and terrestrial protected areas. Nature Sustainability : 1-5.

PDF Cite Code Dataset Project


Climate Adaptation and Flood Risk

Climate Adaptation and Flood Risk

This project examines adaptation from increased risk of flooding due to climate change

Fishing the Mesopelagic Zone

Fishing the Mesopelagic Zone

We look at decision-making under risk with regard to exploiting the mesopelagic zone.

Heterogeneity and Cooperation

Heterogeneity and Cooperation

This project looks at the implications of heterogeneity on cooperative behavior.

Conservation and Protected Areas

Conservation and Protected Areas

This project examines the effects of protected areas on individual and community welfare.

Climate Mitigation vs. Climate Engineering

Climate Mitigation vs. Climate Engineering

This project explores the trade-offs between climate mitigation and climate engineering.

Nature-Based Solutions

Nature-Based Solutions

We analyze the effects of specific nature-based solutions on individuals and communities.


  • +31317485928
  • Hollandseweg 1, Wageningen, 6706 KN
  • Enter the Leeuwenborch Building (Building 201), turn right after reception and enter the double doors at the end of the room, turn right again and either take the flight of stairs or the elevator to Office 1105 (First Floor)