Predicting the replicability of social and behavioural science claims in a crisis: The COVID-19 Preprint Replication Project

Replications are important for assessing the reliability of published findings. However, they are costly, and it is infeasible to replicate everything. Accurate, fast, lower-cost alternatives such as eliciting predictions could accelerate assessment …

Public Goods and Bads with Vulnerable Individuals: How Information and Social Nudges Change Behavior

In a diverse society, heterogeneous returns to public goods (PG) and bads (PB) are more often the rule rather than the exception, and often the returns from the public pool are such that individuals who are most affected no longer have incentives to …

Comparing access to US marine and terrestrial protected areas

The United States, like most other nations, has committed to protecting 30% of its land and oceans by 2030—known as 30-by-30—concurrent with societal goals such as reversing ‘inequitable access to the outdoors’. Although protected areas (PAs) in the …

Governing Climate Geoengineering: Side-Payments Are Not Enough

Climate geoengineering strategies can help reduce the economic and ecological impacts of global warming. However, governing geoengineering is challenging. Since climate preferences vary across countries, excessive deployment relative to the socially …

Data on transnational ecological compensation under a ‘no net loss’ biodiversity policy

We conducted surveys in Denmark, Spain, and Ghana to solicit individual preferences for national and international ecological compensation for forest cover lost in the participant's home country due to the construction of a road. In the same survey, …

Data on Donation Behavior Towards the Conservation of Migratory Species

The data contains 716 individual decisions and responses from a lab-in-field experiment and an exit questionnaire that were conducted in Denmark, Spain, and Ghana. Individuals were initially asked to perform a small effort task (i.e., correctly …

Data on How Abundance of Resource Inflows and Punishment Types Affect Resource Extraction Behavior

The data is collected through laboratory experiments on a dynamic common pool resource game, where, in an infinitely repeated number of rounds (i.e., game ended randomly), individuals made decisions about whether to exert a high or a low effort level …

Resource booms and group punishment in a coupled social-ecological system

Climate change is altering the dynamics of common pool resources around the world. We design an experimental game that varies both the flow of natural resources and the group punishment mechanisms available to resource users. Our experiments show …

Communication, expectations, and trust: An experiment with three media

We studied how communication media affect trust game play. Three popular media were considered -- traditional face-to-face, Facebook groups, and anonymous online chat. We considered post-communication changes in players’ expectations and preferences, …

Solar geoengineering may lead to excessive cooling and high strategic uncertainty

Climate engineering - the deliberate large-scale manipulation of the Earth’s climate system - is a set of technologies for reducing climate-change impacts and risks. It is controversial and raises novel governance challenges. We focus on the …