
Communication, expectations, and trust: An experiment with three media

We studied how communication media affect trust game play. Three popular media were considered -- traditional face-to-face, Facebook groups, and anonymous online chat. We considered post-communication changes in players’ expectations and preferences, …

Factors Affecting Support for Transnational Conservation Targeting Migratory Species

International efforts to protect biodiversity depend on transnational collaboration and on public support for transnational policies to be implemented. Yet, we know little about what may compel citizens to support such transnational conservation …

Facebook-to-Facebook: online communication and economic cooperation

Direct face-to-face communication has traditionally been found to be more effective for fostering economic cooperation than any form of indirect, mediated communication. We inquire whether this is still the case since most young adults routinely use …

Endogenous vs. exogenous regulations in the commons

It is widely believed that there is strong experimental evidence to support the idea that exogenously imposed regulations crowd out the intrinsic motivations of common pool resource (CPR) users to refrain from over-harvesting. We introduce a novel …